Thrip Control

Thrip Control


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It would be great if everything in your grow room went smoothly. But even the most professional growers can face problems with thrip control. We're here to provide the best solutions to help you maximise your thrip control process. Prevent thrips and treat your infected plants with the pesticides and vaporisers at London Grow. Catch the problem early, and you'll minimize the damage to your plants.

Controlling thrips isn't the easiest thing to do. You may use tried and tested alternative strategies and still not eliminate the pesky insects. But with exceptional products such as Biogreen's Garlic and Guard'n'Aid's Mini, Midi, or Maxi Fumer, you can prevent and control the bugs in the most difficult places to reach. Rather than thinking you must kill thrips, take a controlled approach. This way, you won't kill off beneficial bugs, which include some species of thrips. Form an efficient plan for thrip control and achieve huge harvests.