Street Light LED

SKU: 11108146
Sale price£24.95
Power (Watts): 12W
Spectrum: Red

In stock, Pickup available at London Grow HQ

Usually ready in 24 hours

Street Light LED - London Grow

Street Light LED

12W / Red

London Grow HQ

Pickup available, usually ready in 24 hours

R/O 121 Theobalds Park Road
Enfield EN2 9BH
United Kingdom



Available in both red and blue spectrums, the Street Light LED strip is a versatile lighting unit that can be implemented into your grow space as either a main light source or supplementary light in larger spaces. 

General Information

  • Perfect for raising seedlings or cuttings, or maintaining plants. 
  • Cost effective, yet highly efficient.
  • Up to 50,000 hour life span.
  • No additional ballast required to run the light.
  • Up to 7 lights can be linked together and run off one plug.